Tying your waist beads is a simple and enjoyable process. Follow these easy steps to achieve the perfect fit:

  1. Start by pushing all the beads to the middle of the string
  2. Gently wrap the string around your waist or hips (where you wish)
  3. Tie 3-4 knots 
  4. Cut any excess string if there's any.
  5. And Tada! You're ready to go!

Click here to see a video if you prefer!

Remember, our waist beads come as a very long string, allowing you to find the ideal fit for your body. Feel free to experiment with different colours and placements to suit your personal preference.

Now you're ready to adorn yourself with the timeless beauty of waist beads! Enjoy the elegance and confidence they bring to your unique style sis.


African luxury waist beads UK